Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My 'firsts' in 2011

The year is almost over, isn't it? With a presentation that I have yet to start drawing even closer (it's currently 11:44am & the presentation of 'Felicia's Journey' is to be done at 1:15pm), I decided to start my traditional 'List of First's for the Year.' 2011 is drawing to an end and I certainly had some amazing goes:

1) I took four evenings off from studying/homework and went off campus during the school year.
2) I wrote a ten page essay in one week.
3) I screwed up in 'The Baron' and stated 'I don't really care...I'm proud of it anyway.'
4) I didn't have a panic attack all year
5) I've spent an entire year single (technically more towards the end of December).
6) I went 6 months without dating/hooking-up/etc.
7) I biked from Saint John to Grand Manan (about 6 hours).
8) I tried being vegan (and love it but don't have time/patience during school).
9) I kissed someone shorter than me.
10) I lost 100lbs!!!
11) I was willing to risk a friendship for my job.
12) I was willing to risk my grades for a friend.
13) I realized how much I love, value and respect my sister.
14) I found the perfect Christmas present for Dad.
15) I realized who I want to be...and started working towards it.
16) I have gone an entire year without medication.
17) I was able to tell my ex-husband not to talk to me but still be polite and civil.
18) I was able to say "I'm not interested but thanks"
19) I stopped to talk to someone who was asking for change. I didn't have change but did grab them a coffee.
20) I realized that, sadly, my dad has corrupted me and turned me into a fan of Star Trek.
21) I watched 'Toddlers and Tiaras' and I like it! Legal child abuse...creepy yet satisfying
22) It's much more satisfying to smile and get even than it is to get angry immediately.
23) I was on CBC news
24) I was in the Telegraph Journal, on the news, and two radio stations in one day
25) I protested
26) I went to Ottawa
27) and Sackville
28) That protest? My roommate and I organized it.
29) I also did a petition
30) I stopped shaking every time I was confronted with something bad.
31) I learned to be confident in myself
32) I learned to make a Whiskey Sour
33) I found a hair colour that works!!!
34) I became an aunt.

And finally...I realized that I can make a difference.

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