Thursday, April 26, 2012

100 books over the summer

So, as many people know - I have goals over the summer and typically, they're good ones...don't die, don't get a LOT. So, I'll be keeping record of the books I read (the good, the bad, and the trashy) on my blog with a very short description of them once read. They will be labelled 100 books 2012

Currently, I am working on:

1. The Fat Girls Guide to Life - Wendy Shanker explains that she is a fat girl and she's accepted it. Now she wants everyone else to accept their body too. It's interesting to skim but honestly, unless you get it for 25 cents like I did, don't bother.  I won't be keeping this one around.

4. Extreme Cuisine - Lonely Planet put out a book of exotic (aka gross) food that people could try if willing - I don't know as I'm willing.

2. Dear Jo- Christina Kilbourne (just started)

3. So Hard to Say
- Alex Sanchez - Teenager has to admit he's gay.  This book had a decent plot but was rather juvenile.  I wasn't a huge fan, the writing was 'meh' and I could get the same story watching Glee.

May 1
5. The Other Boleyn Girl - Phillipa Gregory - I can't put this book down.  Absolutely love it! It's historical fiction surrounding the many (and there were many) trysts of King Henry.

6. The Nanny Diaries - If you haven't read it (or worse, watched the movie), go pick up a copy and read it.  Grover is lovable and still a real child, Nanny is well rounded.  My only complaint was that she had way too much time as a student. 

7. Monster Planet - The world is taken over by zombies, some of which have brains.  What better way to make money than sell human flesh, right? (Just started)

May 6

8. The Prairie Bridesmaid - I'm pretty sure this book was written for me: girl keeps going back to abusive boyfriend until her friends step in.  She finds out, after truly leaving, what makes her happy.  I absolutely loved this book.  It had the right amount of humour, compassion between friends, and although was a 'break up book' didn't make me feel depressed.  Oh, and it's Canadian :) 

9. Hollywood Dream- Yes, another melodramatic girly book depicting a woman who falls in love at the most horrible time and has to travel across the world to fix her mistakes.  If you're a fan of fashion or just want a good, summer afternoon with a glass of wine book, check it out!

May 18

10) Hope In A Jar- I liked it just because it's a 'fun read'...about a girl that finds her boyfriend cheating and tries to transform herself before her 20th high school reunion (ended up loving it - good summer read)

11) Unforgettable - Just another good read, spoiled girls at boarding school

12) Artemis Fowl - Seems interesting enough...and ended up hating it!

May 24

13) The Borgais Bride- Loved it enough I'll never give it up. One of my favorite summer reads already 

14) Crank - While I suppose most people would call this poetry, to me - the ramblings of a crack head just don't seem overly poetic and makes a good story. 

June 27

15) Violets Are Blue

16) The Scarpetta Factor

17) Pirate Latitudes

18) Dating Detox

July 3

19) Waking the Witch - Kelly Armstrong

20) Frostbitten - Kelly Armstrong

21) The Beach House - Patterson

22) Swimsuits - Patterson

23) The Walking Dead Comic Series

24) Chew Comic Series

25) The BFG

26) Runaway Ralph

27) Odd Mom Out - love this book

28) Reversible Errors- Scott Turow

29) 2nd Chance - Patterson

30) Kiss the Girls - Patterson - another one of my favorites

31) The Beach Road - Patterson (I'm on a kick with the patterson books, eh?) - read this! one of my newest favorite books!

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