Saturday, March 10, 2012


Lately I have been missing in blog-land and I have been missing the writing. There's something calming about being able to get my version of the truth on 'paper.' March Break has certainly not been a break for me - but it's been necessary! From going home and seeing EL, my niece for the second time in her little life, to spending time with my boyfriend when I'm NOT doing homework (One essay down, one to go and some reading to do)...I can't say it's been a 'fun' week, but it's been good.

I had the chance to read five books for pleasure: 'The Help' the second and third books of the Percy Jackson series, and the first and second book of the Red Pyramid series (Same author - I'm on a role). I can honestly say, if you want a book to read, check out Rick Riordan's. The Help was also one of the best books I have ever read and I will be buying it (when I have money).

I've been dealing with a lot of stress lately because of this stupid desire to be perfect. I've pretty much accepted I may not have the grades to be a lawyer...but darn it, I'll find a way in even if it means sitting in on classes until they accept me. I will get there.

Apart from that, the break has been rather dull - another paper's coming out, I'm having a good day reading some more books - may go to Starbucks later as SJ has no tiny independent coffee house (sad face here) that I know of.



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